Sunday, 25 March 2012

Easter is just around the bend!

Hello again, I invite you to look at my latest photos from this weekend's Easter Mini-Session. First meet Ayden, quite the little character, but he was great with the bunny- nice and gentle for a little boy his age.

Then we meet Emma, Ayden's older cousin. Though she was a little shy at first it didn't take her to long to come out of her shell.

These two kids worked great together, it was evident that they were good buddies!

Meet Wynter, a two year old that follows directions with great willingness, very rare! Wynter did a great job in her photo shoot. She made my job easy by being the little cutie she was.

What a card, Wynter even tried to help by making up her own poses!

Great job everyone, and Happy Easter! Please join me here again for more photos next week, with one last day of Easter mini-sessions.

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