Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Black Family

Here are a few photos of the Black family welcoming their newest member into the family!

Jonas the pilot!

Here is Jonas coming to fly away with your heart!

who me?

Jonas says Hi to all his fans

The boys hanging out together

A couple of Cuties!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Baby Everett

Here is baby Everett, a lovely big baby when he was born at almost 11 pounds. Typically I do baby photo sessions before the two week mark because the babies tend to be on the sleepy side, however with Everett being born right around the holidays I didn't get to see him till around the 3 week mark so he was quite the alert baby! Please enjoy these photos of a little cutie.

Monday, 5 January 2015

David and Jackie

Here are some lovely photos of a lovely couple, Dave and Jackie. Third time was the charm when it came to photographing these two, we had two rain out days before this day and even then the forecast was calling for rain, but it finally came together.