Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Mike and Melissa's Engagement Photos

 These are a few of Mike and Melissa's engagement photos. They were such a great couple to work with so natural and super smiley, awwww love! 

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Jocelyn's Maternity Photos

Here are some maternity photos of the lovely Jocelyn and Andrew Vranckx, and of course baby Vranckx coming soon November 29th 2014!  My vote is that she is having a boy, so of course Joel, my husband, is voting that Jocelyn is having a girl. What do you think?

the serious pumpkin pose

Lookin' good Jocelyn
Our expanding family photo at Thanksgiving

The women with the babies of 2014

The men with the 2014 babies

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Chris and Katherine's Wedding

The guys get one last workout in before the big wedding.

Guys and their guns!

lots of glitter!

Now that was sooooome kiss!