Hi there it's me again! I guess you are wondering what I have been up to
all this time, well I certainly haven't been twiddling my thumbs. I
guess I have been to busy to blog regularly. Well now I have a bunch of
material to post. Let's get started with a few vacation photos. This
year my husband Joel and I traveled to the far off land of BC, all the
way to the big town of Grande Forks to visit my good friends Kim and
Chris and their newest addition Alex. We saw the sites and enjoyed
relaxing on the vacation here are some photos of the sites we saw and of
the new little bundle of joy.
Joel and I on our hike |
Kim with Chris in the background |
This is Alex |
This is Alex sporting his lovely vest and bow tie made by Melissa (the red bow tie) |
Kim liked to call this pose the Simba circle of life pose |
Don't stick your tongue out at me! |
When we arrived back home to Ontario, the next day Joel got his first pilot lesson. I got to ride along as well. We flew right over our house, it was a bit of a bumpy road at first but eventually Joel got the hang of it. Here are some of the things that we saw. |
Here is a photo of our house and property. Our house is the one with the dark roof. |
rice lake |
This is the first installment of my summer photos stay tuned for more to come! |